Friday, 11 May 2012


I signed up this week for CPD23 following a little prompting from my chartership mentor who said it would be really good for someone who was struggling with criteria 4 of her chartership portfolio, that of demonstrating "a breadth of professional knowledge and understanding of the wider professional context" See my previous posts for why I feel I am struggling with this and my recent foray into the world of public libraries.  As a result I viewed the prospect of CPD23 with some joy as in 'oh good!  Something to help me with criteria 4" and "Oh no!  Something else to do as well as my job!"

The plus side of CPD23 is that it can be done from the relative comfort of my own job.  I am already focussing on developing the use and impact of social media on teaching and learning from the LRC's point of view so this will definitely support that. And of course, it will help me broaden my professional understanding of the information world and extend my PLN both in terms of the blogs I follow and on Twitter.

Having already got a blog which I set up last year to support my chartership, I decided to use this one for CPD23 as well.  In addition I already follow about 30 blogs using Google Reader.  Some are school library blogs, or those of school librarians and library & information consultants.  I also follow blogs of other information professionals outside school librarianship including law librarians, public librarians and even booksellers. Since signing up to CPD23 I have already discovered one new blog, It Came From the Careers Library, which I hope is going to be very useful in supporting the CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance) aspect of my role and linking this to my portfolio. I then took a look at A School Librarian's blog (for obvious reasons) which in turn mentioned a presentation on careers information delivered by BradfordLibrarian. I also found 'old friends' from Twitter such as Dewey027 and definitely found my own feelings about chartering resonating with the Savvy School Librarian and left a message of support.

So, Thing 1 & 2 done!  I have also submitted an article to this week's school bulletin outlining CPD23 and am encouraging my library colleague to do so as well.

1 comment:

  1. At least you got as far as having a Chartership mentor and struggling with criteria 4 - I'm struggling just with the application form...I WILL get around to it this week, I hope ;-) cpd23 will keep it in my mind anyway!
